Sunday, 27 October 2013

A Day At The Farmer's Market

A farmer's market is a retail market where the consumers directly have the access to buy the vegetables from the farmers. The market typically is set with tables, booths and stands. This type of business module comes with lot of advantages such as less transport, less handling, less refrigerators and less time in storage.

Manila is the biggest city in Philippine and to reach the city market and sell the produce , the farmers have to go all the way from their regional cities. The farmers tend to sell directly as the direct selling reduces the cost of selling. It also increases the revenue for them. By selling in the outdoor market generates the extra cost of commercialization by selling to large food processing firms.

Therefore, the farmers prefer reaching Manila to retain the maximum profits for the efforts they invested. Directly selling to the consumer is also profited with identifying the consumer’s gesture when they get a better quality and transparency than the vegetables available at the supermarkets

Following a Benguet vegetable farmer to Manila where all vegetable stake holders are met, there are some interesting facts which can be observed. There were established units for undertaking all kind of market intelligence and monitoring activities to ensure all the members of the vegetable industry are committing a fair trade.

The famous vegetation selling by all farmers across the country includes cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, turnips, radish, cucumber, celery, spinach and some more, these vegetables are known peculiar in the Pilipino market.

We also look for suggestions and feedbacks for how we can improve the farmers storage facilities and packaging products in Philippines, at the same time helping the farmers through our social enterprise.

The video below shows how farmer hungry for change of better packaging solutions. We Bukid Buddies are on the right track to create social enterprise to supports these disadvantage farmers for a better solution of storing and packaging.

 The video shown why the farmer want better packaging and storage products 

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